During the Vasaåket – Vasalopp 2021, you can get expert help with waxing and selecting equipment at Kaisers Skidbod at Sälfjällstorget. Payment is made when handing in the skis.
Leave and pick-up skis
Handing in:
Not later than 12:00 the day before the race if you wish to pick up the same evening. For collection in the morning the same day as the start, we wish to get the skis in not later than 16:00 the day before.
Pick up:
Extended opening hours apply Fri-Sat-Sun during the Vasaåket period.
Dates: 12-13-14 Feb, 19-20-21 Feb, 26-27-28 Feb, 5-6-7 March and Monday 1th March.
These days we are on site from 05:30.
Regular hours daily 08:30-19:00
Structuring / Base structure BronspaketCleaning Grip/kick wax Glide fluoro-free wax |
Structuring / Base structure SilverpaketCleaning Grip/kick wax Glide fluoro wax |
Structuring / Base structure GuldpaketCleaning Grip/kick wax Glide fluoro wax Top coat powder |
Package: 799:- | Package: 999:- | Package: 1399:- |
In all packages, in addition to the above-mentioned alternatives, a base wax glide with low fluoro or fluoro-free is included. When prepering skin skis, the package price is reduced by SEK 200.
Other options:
Structuring / Base structure: 150:-
Cleaning: 150:-
Grip/kick wax: 300:-
Glide low fluoro: 400:-
Glide high fluoro: 600:-
Top coat powder: 600:-
Skin care 150:-
We have been waxing skis for the Vasaloppet for over 30 years. We waxed skis for the first time Vasaloppet in 1975. Every year many people submit their skis to us for cleaning and waxing. We only use the best products and adjust the preparation after the weather.